Rick Santorum - Scores a Hat-Trick to Put Him Back in the Race

On Tuesday Santorum was met with the greatest news yet for his campaign. Not only did he win the Minnesota caucus and the non-binding Missouri primary, but he was also able to win in what was once considered Mitt Romney territory, with his victory in Colorado.

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Eric Holder - You Gotta Know When to Hold 'Em, Know When to Fold 'Em

Eric Holder, Attorney General and head of the justice department, was before a congressional hearing committee on Thursday. Of course, never a good place to be when you are an appointed official of the Obama administration.

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Mitt Romney Wins Nevada

Mitt Romney wins Nevada, not necessarily an important event, considering all the candidates all indicated that Romney was going to win, long before the actual vote was taken.

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Allen West - "Ya, I said Hell"

Allen West was in the news this week, because he was doing what he does best, stating fact and poking democrats. Recently he took shots at Obama, Pelosi and Reid the big three of the Democrat party and they are none too happy.

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Pompous Newt Gingrich - Keep Your Dignity

Gingrich has recently come out and stated that he is going to challenge the fact that the Florida primary system of winner-take all is unfair. Honestly Gingrich get a life, you lost now move on...

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Canadian Senate Reform (Part 2) - The Third Way

      -John Adams-                                                         -Thomas Jefferson-

My proposal is to take a page from the United States Constitution and adopt their original formula for the Senate, the one they had before May 31, 1913. Before Woodrow Wilson convinced the American people to pass the Seventeenth Amendment, which made the Senate positions elected, as opposed to appointed.

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Black History Month - Is it Worth It?

 -Morgan Freeman-
Today is the start of Black History Month and as a Canadian I have seen the posters, the projects and the fanfare in schools that has always accompanied the arrival of Black History Month since its creation in 1976. Yet, Morgan Freeman apparently and I, never understood why black history was being relegated to only a month?

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Penguins 5 - Leafs 4 (SO) - Game #50

What can you really say about this one? The Leafs dominated the entire game, until about five minutes left in the third, which began to see Toronto try and nurse a 4-2 lead to periods end. Yet, some sloppy play and some bad goaltending and the Leafs with 6.6 seconds left in the third were headed to OT with the score tied up at 4-4. To make matters worse Kessel misses a wide open net in OT as the puck bounces off his stick and into Fluery, and then Kadri in the shootout pulls the lamest move ever, by Kadri's standards.

A couple of side notes: Kadri's hit on Paul Martin was amazing, absolutly nailed the guy. As for Grabovski, how can you trade this guy, 19 points in his last 18 games and 2 goals and an assist last night, not to mention that he was the fastest player out there. The Leafs would need to get a huge offer to even contemplate moving this guy.

Let's hope Toronto can pick it up tonight at the ACC against the Penguins.

Mitt Romney Storms Back to Huge Win in Florida

-Mitt Romney-
Just as it looked like Newt Gingrich was poised for a massive comeback in the GOP primary race and to upset the once thought to be sure lock for the candidacy, Mitt Romney, Romeny wins a huge victory in Florida.

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Canadian Senate Reform (PART 1) – Is it Impossible, Impractical or Both?

 Canadian Senate Chamber

As Canadians we know that one of the main issues that has come to dominate Canadian politics on Capitol Hill, has been the issue of Senate reform. Reform that ever since the 1970’s with the rise of Alberta and the West in the Canadian economy, has been a major issue in Canadian federal politics. Thus, it should be no surprise that this issue has come to the fore once more, with an Albertan Prime Minister in Stephan Harper and his conservative majority.

Due to this development Senator Colin Kenny, a Montréaler and a Trudeau appointee in 1984, recently wrote an article in the National Post presenting his objections to the most current proposal by Stephen Harper to reform the Senate. Using this article we will explore the proposed reforms to the Senate and Kenny’s objections to them and try and determine whether Kenny’s objections defeat Harper’s proposal. Let’s begin…

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T. Chara 12 T. Alfi 9 - NHL All-Star Game

What can you really say about a game that doesn't matter?

I actually predicted that Team Chara would defeat Team Alfredsson tonight, because all the players on T. Chara saluted the crowd when they were introduced, not all of the players on T. Alfi did so; so I knew. Cause we all know that the hockey gods notice stuff like that, lol. Other than that it was the most boring hockey to watch, as always, but it was also a lot of fun to see the skill that exists amongst the players in the NHL.

As a Leafs fan, Kessel and Lupul played well, whereas Phaneuf played horribly.

Cheers, now bring on the real hockey... NHL gets back under-way on Tuesday.

What do the Bank of Canada, George Soros & Glenn Beck all have in Common?

Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney
I am sure that many of you have heard about the huge tension and perhaps it can be dubbed an all out war between George Soros and Glenn Beck, over whether or not the U.S. is headed for disaster and a financial collapse. As Canadians we have largely ignored this development or don't realize the importance of it. Yet, on Monday January 23, 2012, with the comments made by Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, this fight has been officially recognized by our Canadian government.

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Anonymous for Good - The Movement

Anonymous is by far one of the most controversial and intriguing movements to hit the Internet since the Internet’s creation. They have done a lot of good, but as conservatives we also recognize that they have done a whole lot of bad. So the question is, is it time for Anonymous to be replaced?

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Daddy Santorum Scolds Mitt and Newt

In the Republican Primary Debate that occurred on January 26, 2012, on the campus of the University of North Florida (which of course is in the wonderful state of Florida), one witnessed Newt Gingrich and Gov. Mitt Romney at each others throats once again. This time over what to do with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Yet, instead of answering the question and providing solutions the two candidates dived head long into personal attacks about each others records. With Romney once more hitting Gingrich hard with the accusation that he consulted and advised Freddie and Fannie, stating "we needed a whistle blower not a horn tooter." With Gingrich responding in kind, speaking about how Romney’s huge investments included shares of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Then in stepped Daddy Santorum.
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Gingrich Reveals His Progressivism

There has been a whole lot of talk lately amongst Conservative pundits in the States about whether or not Newt Gingrich is a progressive, or in this case, a big-government Republican, or as I like to call them a rhino. I am sure that you have heard the tapes of him praising Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) for more than just leading America through World War II. Yet, I believe that tonight Gingrich revealed his true progressive colours, when he took a page right out of the Democrat Party’s playbook and labeled Romney anti-immigrant and anti-immigration. Not only that, but Romney also pointed out an interesting patter with Gingrich that has been occurring throughout the race.

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Santorum Nails Romney on Individual Mandate

The best part of the debate by far, was when Rick Santorum took it to Romney, over Romney’s plan in Massachusetts which included an individual mandate. Even though Romney is my second choice behind Santorum, and if you must know that is followed by Gingrich and then Paul. Anyway, Santorum’s talk about the Republicans needing a clear contrast when facing Obama in order to win is very true, and thus is by far no greater a problem for Romney when it comes to health care, in comparison to Obama.

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Santorum - What are You Smoking?

Even though, as many of you know from reading my other posts, I am a huge Santorum fan and I believe that he was the clear winner in the debate tonight, he did slip up on one big issue.

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CNN - What's the Point?

Seriously, what is the deal with CNN. They begin their pre-debate coverage with no real serious discussion of the upcoming issues that will be discussed in the debate, and no real commentary on the events that are impacting the nights debate. Although, I can’t quite say for sure because they set up their stage in front of a screaming Florida crowd, as if it was some sort of rock concert, so it was a little hard to hear to say the least. Then to make matters worse, they spent half the night on useless, pointless issues that no American, with any sense of what is going on in their country, cares about. Here are just some examples:

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Master Bombardier Adam Holmes - A Real Canadian Hero

We here at A Parallel Too High stand behind the Canadian military and their families unequivocally and therefore are proud of all the men and woman who have decided to serve this great nation, both now and in the past. Since we recognize that freedom and liberty are never free; and so from time to time when we have the opportunity we will be sure to honour our military and our soldiers as best we are able.

Not only that, but honestly "if you aren't standing behind the troops, feel free to stand in front."

Master Bombardier Adam Holmes, of the Yankee Battery of the 2nd Regiment of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, is to be awarded the Medal of Military Valour (MMV) in recognition of his duty in the face of the enemy in Afghanistan. Not only that, but on Thursday (today) he and many other Canadian soldiers are to receive medals of various sorts for their service and sacrifice to our great nation, Canada.

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Silver Stick Scores - Leafs 4 - Islanders 3 (OT) - Game #49

A big win for the Buds tonight, although not without its heart stopping moments. With Clarke MacCarthur scoring the game winner, despite the best effort a goalie could possibly make in Montoya's glove save that wasn't.

Jake Silver Stick Gardiner scored his first NHL goal tonight, a goal that tied it up in the middle of the third. Although it could easily be argued that perhaps he had some help with MacCarthur possibly creating a little goalie interference. Though as a Leafs fan, who cares!

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SUN NEWS NETWORK - The Sunny Side of the Street?

SUN News Network was launched here in Toronto Canada on April 18, 2011. It sought to provide a conservative alternative to the fairly consistently liberal media that exists here in Canada. When it first came into existence the media was in an uproar, labelling it the younger brother of the ultra-biased and ultra-conservative Fox News and smearing it as best as the media was able. On the other side, for Conservatives, this was seen as a major victory, with many doubting such a network could exist in Canada because of the existence of the state controlled Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) that is always a threat to limit free speech on the airwaves of Canada.

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1, 2, 3, 4 - LEAFS 3 Islanders 0 - Game #48

A Monster shoutout tonight, as Gustavsson won one tonight, had his second shoutout in January, his third of the season and his fourth of his NHL career. The Monster looked brilliant tonight, calm and composed even when pucks were bouncing all over the place in front of him.

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Relax Woman - It’s Just LEGO

LEGO on the front page of the newspaper!?! - Is Canada really that boring?
The short answer is NO! Canada is not that boring. No matter what Americans might think, about our igloo communities that are nearly always paralyzed by snow storms, but I digress...

It must have been a slow news cycle this past Saturday because the headlines on the front page of most newspapers I saw, had to do with the weather, local crime (while serious, it still is almost never front-page news in Canada) and yes even LEGO.

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Super Bowl in a FortNight - New England Patriots vs. N.Y. Giants

A rematch from Super Bowl 42 in 2008. Can Tom Brady slay the Giants this time. I have no idea.
What do you think?

I am sad that the 49'ers were knocked out, but hopefully the Giants can eliminate the Patriots again.

Glenn Beck - The Man, The Phenomena, With Some Dishonesty Thrown In for Good Mesaure

I think that Glenn Beck has affected the North American population in ways that not even he can grasp. When he burst onto the scene on Fox in 2008 and began to go way into right field, wether right or wrong, he began to change the political landscape in the United States and in North America, and continued the polorization that we here in Canada and especially in the United States have begun to see and feel quite clearly.

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Fear the Newt

Newt Gingrich Wins Big over Stumbling Romney in South Carolina Primary

I think that as Canadians we can all agree, wether some of us like it or not, that what goes on poltically with our big brother to the south, the United States of America, greatly effects what life is like, both economically and even at times militarily, in our own great country.

With that said, I will be speaking about the Republican primary race from time to time. Keeping you up to date on the issues, events and results as they occur, and as best I am able.

Newt Gingrich's victory in South Carolina; with Newt capturing 40% of the vote, Mitt Romney in second with 28% of the vote, Rick Santorum with 17% and Ron Paul with 13%; as history would suggest, since South Carolina has never been wrong about who is going to win the Republican nomniation for President, since the state chose Ronald Reagan in 1980, potentially seals Gingrich's victory for the Republican Party candidacy.

More after the break.

Canadiens 3 Leafs 1 - GAME #47

As promised here's some sports news. And what better way to start then on saturday talking about HNIC and the Maple Leafs vs. the Montreal Canadiens. THE classic Canadien matchup. Although , as a Leafs fan myself the outcome was tragic, and to make matters worse Flordia just extended their lead over the Maple Leafs by 3pts in the conference standings, with thier shootout win over Winnipeg.

Tomorrow: NFL - Baltimore vs. New England & N.Y. Giants vs. San Fransico
Let's hope that New England makes it to the Super Bowl, cause if they don't, I don't think many people will care as much who wins it this year. It would also be cool to see a Giants vs. Patriots rematch in the Super Bowl. Although I personally think that San Fran wins it over the Giants, especially watching them last week against the Saints.

Let me know who you want to see in the Super Bowl and who you think is going to take it.

As for me - realistically the Patriots have the best shot. Though I would like to see San Fran win it. Mostly because I don't like the Patriots and I don't like the Saints, so San Fran by knocking the Saints out last week is now in my good books.

- Corey S.

Intro and SOPA


I'm William, part two of our blogging team. I'l be here mostly to talk about more cultural issues, and less about political issues. I share many views with my brother, but am somewhat more moderate. Still, I am quite small c conservative. That means I am conservative on the political spectrum, but do not necessarily support the actual Conservative party of Canada.

So, to start out, SOPA and PIPA. SOPA and PIPA are dumb. I know you all know that and agree with me, but I thought it would be good to start with. Unlike many conservatives on the issue of the freedom of the internet, I believe that the internet should remain free and the government should stay the heck away from it. The belief that it should be policed and censored is not a conservative view point, despite that many big C Conservatives and Republicans might say. SOPA and PIPA, as you all probably know, would allow the American government to put a type of firewall on all websites that would check copyright. At least that's how it's been explained to me. This is spying. The government spying on it's own people. They would see what you are putting on the interenet all the time. This also defeats free speech. A luxury we don't really have that much of in Canada, but is guarunteed by the American constitution.This would allow companies and the government to censor the internet. Censor what you want to say anonymously. This is terrible. The internet has become a way for people to obtain freedom and organize for free causes. Any censorship of the internet is a slippery slope towards a total internet police state.

This would also not do anything about copyright infringements. The interenet, as we all know, always finds a way around these things and fast. Really fast. So the bill would not fight piracy and would merely make millions of people criminals and hurt internet businesses.

Although the bill has been shelved for now, do not let down your guard. Americans, please do not allow your government to do this. This would have world wide repercussions. So please get out there and fight the good fight. This subject will come back, many times. When it does, cut it off before it gets anywhere. Thank you.

Now, this does not exactly match up with what I said I would be posting about, but it's something I am passionate about and know more about than my brother. So, thank you for reading my ramblings about things that have already been talked about. More posts about less serious things are on the way.

- William S.

<Think Aboot it>

Free Speech Policy

As I said in my introduction this will be a place of free speech. Not as defined in our Candian legal code or as defined by our new progressive, politically correct, Canadian sensibilities, as being anything that is pleasing to the ear, but more in an American sense of the notion. You know, FREE speech, where anything goes and both heated rhetoric from the left and the right will be tolerated and often times protected. Cause I know that when it comes to politics, things can get heated pretty quickly.

However, just as our forefathers told us "With great blabber mouths comes great responsibility," or something like that. Anyways, this is not a democracy, in the sense of the Arab Spring, where mob violience and mob brutality will win the day, this is going to be a place of law and order.

Therefore, I am stating right now that if things get out of hand, then my brother and I reserve the right to take corrective actions, as we see fit, to correct the situation(s).

So again, let's be civil, and yes let's be passionate, but let's also think before we act. Cause "with great power comes great responsibilty" (hooray, I just remembered the quote (lol)).

Try this, before you type something just think, if your Grandma was there reading what you typed, would you still type it? Probably not, so don't.

Think aboot it before hand, then post, that's all I am saying. And yes that even includes you Grandma.

- Corey S.


The First

I think that for the first post, I should stick with an introduction and an explanation as to why for me personally, this is a great thrill. Me and my brother, who you will all be introduced to soon, well hopefully. I mean my brother can be a little "independent" sometimes, or at least that's what its called now, when your too smart for high school and so you are sooo bored out of your mind that you sit and stare a computer screen all day or spend hours on your cellphone talking with you friends, but anyway I digress.

My brother and I have some fairly big plans for this blog, besides posting our own thoughts about living in Canada, what it means to be Canadian, and our various political theories and thoughts about life in general, from life in Canada to our big brother in the south, the States.

We also hope to make this a forum of open expression and freedom of speech, something severley restricted in Canada. Ya, I was told that that's what you have to do, be idealistic and unrational to try and get polite society to pay attention. I mean everyone knows that there will be trollers, hate speech, heated rhetoric and the like. I mean who am I kidding, this is the Internet, not exactly known for law and order.

This will also be a place to think aboot (purposely mispelled) Canada in perhaps a different way then you may have thought aboot it previously. Beyond just the quick glance around and saying "hey, there are sure are a lot of maple trees around here." Sorry, bad I know... Yet, we won't just focus on politics, though that will be the primary theme, we will also talk about culture, arts, sports etc. And yes by sports, just as all good Canadians do, I mean Hockey, Hockey and more Hockey, with perhaps a little baseball and football thrown in for good measure.

Yet, I won't lie, me and my brother are capitalists, so the potential money from the site would be a bonus, that we, unlike our leftist friends, can proudly live with. Yes, I do indeed mean friends sincerely.

Anyway, I hope that this gives you some idea of what this blog will be about, and perhaps I have already rattled a few bumpers and shook a few heads as you went for that double-take, but hopefully you will subscribe and this can become a place where you can be informed, share ideas, hear fresh perspectives and this is more my brothers deparment as you saw above, but yes, even have some good old fashioned laughs.

- Corey S.

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