Santorum Nails Romney on Individual Mandate

The best part of the debate by far, was when Rick Santorum took it to Romney, over Romney’s plan in Massachusetts which included an individual mandate. Even though Romney is my second choice behind Santorum, and if you must know that is followed by Gingrich and then Paul. Anyway, Santorum’s talk about the Republicans needing a clear contrast when facing Obama in order to win is very true, and thus is by far no greater a problem for Romney when it comes to health care, in comparison to Obama.

More After the Break

This is because, as Santorum pointed out, Mitt’s plan for Massachusetts includes a government mandate to buy health insurance and a penalty, in the form of a tax, that any citizen without health insurance must pay, to cover the costs of medical care in Massachusetts. The exact same mandate and penalty system that is in ObamaCare. Romney, during the debate attempted to defend this by saying that unlike the Obama plan, his plan for Massachusetts did not create a government insurance option, it did not take away from medicaid and it did not raise any taxes, and thus was a great success and he was very proud of his work.

This last bit, that it was a great success, Santorum utilized brilliantly against Romney, pointing out that Romney just said that a top-down government run solution to health care which includes the same type of mandate as ObamaCare, was practical and works well. Something to which Romney’s only reply was "it is nothing to get angry about" (even though Santorum was not angry, simply very passionate), in other words damn I really can’t defend it.

I personally believe that Santorum could have gone for the throat right then and there, by stating - that yes Mitt you are correct in stating that you didn’t raise taxes, that you didn’t take away from medicaid, and that you did not create a government run insurance program, but you did create a new tax in the state through the penalty. Not only that, but it is the principle of the thing. Top-down government solutions do not work and as a conservative you should believe that. Again Mr. Romney, it is the principle of the thing, not the differences in the details.

And even though Santorum did not take this advice and say that - Way To Go Santorum!!!

Check out the fiery exchange here by clicking on the link: LINK (starts at 4:20 of the video)

- Corey S.

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