Glenn Beck - The Man, The Phenomena, With Some Dishonesty Thrown In for Good Mesaure

I think that Glenn Beck has affected the North American population in ways that not even he can grasp. When he burst onto the scene on Fox in 2008 and began to go way into right field, wether right or wrong, he began to change the political landscape in the United States and in North America, and continued the polorization that we here in Canada and especially in the United States have begun to see and feel quite clearly.

More after the Break

I will be honest with you, I do enjoy Glenn Beck and have great respect for the man, and he is a personal hero of mine, as far as his ability to communicate the conservative message to a wide variety of people and a very wide audience. However, just as he ruffles the feathers of the left, he does so with me as well sometimes. I think that sometimes he needs to chilax and perhaps the medication that he took for the pain in his back will help hime relax to some effect, and of course a hearty get well soon Beck, hope you are feeling better.

Anyway, the reason I decided to write about Glenn Beck is that he claims that he has a policy of non-endorsement of any candidate. However, just as I do, he has clearly decided to endorse Rick Santorum. Listening to his radio show, whenever he speaks about the Republican primary race he is always supportive of Rick Santorum, whether through open compliment or ommision from criticism. Not only that, but last week Santorum was on for two seperate interviews, both of which were love fests. Even over the article that Rick Santorum wrote on why he is an anti-libertarian view of the consititution. Something that I hope to write about soon. The other was about the South Carolina primary debate and his ability to win all the debates, at least according to Beck.

I really think that Glenn should be honest and not just have Pat Gray endorse Santorum openly as Beck nods and agrees. I have heard his excuse that he agrees with who he agress with, but I do think that he should simply state that I will not admit who I am endorsing and it is none of our damn busines. Not this "I haven't chosen who I am in support of, but really I have wink, wink."

Although, I will give Glenn Beck credit for asking Santorum to clarify his position on the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) legislation that was introduced to the congress last week. Since Santorum's answer to the question during the debate, as a conservative, disconcerted me a bit. Here was Santorum's answer when asked if he was against the legislation:

Rick Santorum: "I don't support this law and I agree with everybody up here that it goes to far, but I will not agree with everybody up here that there isn't something that can't and should be done to protect the intellectual property rights of people. The Internet is not a free zone, where anybody can do anything that they wanna do and trample the rights of other people. And praticularily when we're talking about this case, we're talking about entities off shore that are doing so that are pirating things, so the idea that you have business in this country and the government has no role to try and protect the intellectual property of people who have those rights in this country, from people overseas pirating them and then selling them back into this country. I am for free, but I'm not for people abusing the law and that's what is happening right know and I think something proper should be done. And I agree this goes to far, but the idea that anything goes on the internet, where did that come from? Where in America does it say anything goes, we have laws and we respect the laws and the rule of law is an important thing and property rights should be respected."

Yet, even though Beck asked him about this answer, this does not excuse Beck from my original point for when conflict began to occur, Beck instead of schooling Santorum (as I will attempt to do in my next post), quickly shutdown the interview and wished Santorum well. Here is a quick transcript of what happened:

Glenn Beck: "I need to know, the PIPA and SOPA thing, where do you stand on the PIPA and SOPA thing?"

Rick Santorum: "Ya, I opposed the bills ..."

Glenn Beck: Good

Rick Santorum: "But I don't oppose the principle that there can't be sort of free and open everything and that people's intelectual property can't be protected."

Glenn Beck: "We already have laws on the books for that, leave the internet alone, leave it alone!"

Rick Santorum: "Well, okay; we have laws in the books but it's still going on [copyright violations, especially by China]..."

Glenn Beck: "You're never going to change China, we can't even get them to stop sending us poison dog food; Rick we'll pick this up some other time, we gotta run, but thanks."

What does this have to do with Canada, well to be honest nothing really. However, Glenn Beck is clearly a central figure in Western Conservative and Western Political circles, and I think that he is someone who we as Canadians and Canadian conservatives especially can learn a lot from. Yet, as this article is proof, I don't always agree with the man and his actions. Moreover, SOPA, make no mistake about it, is something that is going to effect everyone who uses the internet, so pretty much everyone in Canada as well. So I guess this post would fall under the cultural section of this blog.

As always let me know what you think. Should Beck come out and endorse Santorum openly, or do you not think there is anything wrong with Beck's position. Do you think this would help or hinder Santorum in the primaries? What about in the general election?

- Corey S.


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