Mitt Romney Storms Back to Huge Win in Florida

-Mitt Romney-
Just as it looked like Newt Gingrich was poised for a massive comeback in the GOP primary race and to upset the once thought to be sure lock for the candidacy, Mitt Romney, Romeny wins a huge victory in Florida.

More After the Break

After coming out of South Carolina with what seemed like all the momentum, Gingrich's bid for the Republican candidate for President hit a snag in Florida, as he captured only 32% of the vote, compared to Romney who captured 46% of the vote, Santorum who captured 12% and Ron Paul who captured a measly 7%.

This should come as no surprise though even despite Gingrich's momentum coming out of South Carolina, for Romney's campaign was already running ads in Florida long before any of the other candidates even began to think about Florida on the campaign trail. However, this is still good news for Romney supporters and anti-Gingrich Republicans and independents, for during the Florida debate Romney attacked Gingrich mercilessly, and this proves that when pitted against each other Mitt is the stronger debater and candidate.

On a side note, a mere 12% for Santorum is not good. While he had not positioned himself to win Florida, nor did he put in the necessary time or funds to try and do so, he did have his best debate during the entire length of this race so far. Yet, it seems that even this was not good enough to push him over the hump of that 17-12% bracket. Moreover, it was another state that was strongly evangelical and despite Santorum receiving strong backing from leaders in the evangelical community he still fared poorly. I guess religion is not going to matter in this particular race for the GOP candidacy, nor should it. Lastly, this means that Gingrich's case for Santorum exiting the race is getting stronger, since Santorum is now 2-2 versus Gingrich, as opposed to the 2-0 record Santorum had when Gingrich originally made the statement.

- Corey S.

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