Rick Santorum - Scores a Hat-Trick to Put Him Back in the Race

On Tuesday Santorum was met with the greatest news yet for his campaign. Not only did he win the Minnesota caucus and the non-binding Missouri primary, but he was also able to win in what was once considered Mitt Romney territory, with his victory in Colorado.

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Eric Holder - You Gotta Know When to Hold 'Em, Know When to Fold 'Em

Eric Holder, Attorney General and head of the justice department, was before a congressional hearing committee on Thursday. Of course, never a good place to be when you are an appointed official of the Obama administration.

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Mitt Romney Wins Nevada

Mitt Romney wins Nevada, not necessarily an important event, considering all the candidates all indicated that Romney was going to win, long before the actual vote was taken.

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Allen West - "Ya, I said Hell"

Allen West was in the news this week, because he was doing what he does best, stating fact and poking democrats. Recently he took shots at Obama, Pelosi and Reid the big three of the Democrat party and they are none too happy.

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Pompous Newt Gingrich - Keep Your Dignity

Gingrich has recently come out and stated that he is going to challenge the fact that the Florida primary system of winner-take all is unfair. Honestly Gingrich get a life, you lost now move on...

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Canadian Senate Reform (Part 2) - The Third Way

      -John Adams-                                                         -Thomas Jefferson-

My proposal is to take a page from the United States Constitution and adopt their original formula for the Senate, the one they had before May 31, 1913. Before Woodrow Wilson convinced the American people to pass the Seventeenth Amendment, which made the Senate positions elected, as opposed to appointed.

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Black History Month - Is it Worth It?

 -Morgan Freeman-
Today is the start of Black History Month and as a Canadian I have seen the posters, the projects and the fanfare in schools that has always accompanied the arrival of Black History Month since its creation in 1976. Yet, Morgan Freeman apparently and I, never understood why black history was being relegated to only a month?

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