Black History Month - Is it Worth It?

 -Morgan Freeman-
Today is the start of Black History Month and as a Canadian I have seen the posters, the projects and the fanfare in schools that has always accompanied the arrival of Black History Month since its creation in 1976. Yet, Morgan Freeman apparently and I, never understood why black history was being relegated to only a month?

More After the Break
I realize that it’s purpose is to try and raise awareness of the major achievements and contributions that Blacks have made to life in North America and the rest of the world. However, ever since I became aware of Black History month, which was in high school, I always wondered why certain figures, such as Malcolm X, were being celebrated. It made me wonder whether we were recognizing these figures because of their important contributions to society and the welfare of mankind, or simply because they are black.

Watch this to understand why Malcolm X does not deserve any recognition as a positive figure in history, let alone in our schools. As in this video he advocates for violence and speaks out against Martin Luther King Jr., one of histories greatest black and American figures.

It should also be pointed out that the major historical figures of black color that have made significant contributions to our society and to the world are recognized, for example everyone knows who Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglas, Martin Luther King Jr., just to name a few, are. Moreover, I also agree with Morgan Freeman that this sort of segregation of history based on race only continues to produce and promote racism within society. Since it puts the old glasses of separation by race on students, instead of the glasses we want to put on all people, separation by the content of peoples’ character.

All in all I agree with Morgan Freeman that the best way to stop racism is to stop bringing it up, stop talking about it, and instead always promote the idea of judging people by the content of their character, and speak out against racism whenever it does occur.

As always, let me know what you think by leaving a comment or voting in our poll.

-Corey S.

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