Eric Holder - You Gotta Know When to Hold 'Em, Know When to Fold 'Em

Eric Holder, Attorney General and head of the justice department, was before a congressional hearing committee on Thursday. Of course, never a good place to be when you are an appointed official of the Obama administration.

More After the Break

Eric Holder was before the committee because of his involvement in the Fast and Furious operation along the United States-Mexico border. This operation was not only stupid, but also unconscionable. It involved selling American weapons to drug dealers in Mexico in the hopes of tracking these weapons as they travelled through the various drug-dealing networks, in order to secure sensitive information about the extent of the drug-networks, locations of bases and who exactly is involved inside Mexico. Yet, there was only one problem, they forgot to place enough trackers on these weapons and they are now gone without a trace.

This unconscionable act has undoubtedly led to the deaths of more people inside Mexico, Mexican officials and more importantly the lives of Americans in and along the border. Yet, as if this series of events was not bad enough, the person responsible for authorizing the operation, Eric Holder, had no answers and could only say "I don't know," when questioned by congress.

This is not only unacceptable and another example of the incompetence and corruption of the Obama administration, but it has now resulted in the wasting of taxpayer dollars as a congressional committee must now take the time to get to the bottom of this. Yet, it is clear that the corruption plagued Eric Holder does not seem to grasp the gravity of the situation, nor does he show any concern for the reality of the several deaths of U.S. personnel along the border because of his decisions in regards to Fast and Furious.

This is clear, for after being charged with the un-acceptableness of his answers of "I don't know," whenever he was questioned by congress in regards to operation Fast and Furious, he became indignant and proceeded to insult the congress man who made the charge. Stating:
"There’s a whole bunch of things that I could say about what you just did, maybe this is the way you do things in Idaho or wherever you’re from," Holder said. "But understand something — I‘m proud of the work that I’ve done as attorney general of the United States, and looked at fairly, I think that I’ve done a pretty good job. Have I been perfect? No. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I treat the members of this committee with respect? I always hope that I do. And what you have just done is if nothing else, disrespectful. And if you don‘t like me that’s one thing. You should respect the fact that I hold an office that is deserving of respect. And you know, maybe you’re new to this committee, I don’t know, I don‘t know how long you’ve been here. But my hope would be that we can get beyond that kind of interaction, that kind of treatment of a witness whether it’s me or somebody else because I think what you just did was fundamentally unfair, just not right."

TRANSLATION: "How dare you, you hick from the middle of nowhere. How dare you attempt to say that I am doing a bad job, that I don't deserve this position. Go back to where ever it is you came from."

Look, whatever you may think about Holder, and I personally believe that he has made some good decisions, but when you sell weapons to people that want to kill Americans; you have Americans dead on the border because of those weapons, that you were supposed to  have tracked; you are the one who was supposed to have authorized this operation; and to make matters worse you still don't have any answers for congress; it is clear that you are doing a bad job, and NO, you don't deserve to be Attorney General of the United States.

Therefore, it is clear that the time has come to hold Eric Holder accountable and then fold him, for his hand, or lack thereof, in operation Fast and Furious.

-Corey S.

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