Pompous Newt Gingrich - Keep Your Dignity

Gingrich has recently come out and stated that he is going to challenge the fact that the Florida primary system of winner-take all is unfair. Honestly Gingrich get a life, you lost now move on...

More After the Break

Gingrich has become more and more incredible in the lengths he is willing to go to take down Mitt Romney. He has released incredibly sleazy campaign ads that include many lies and fabrications, and not only that but he has stood by them when questioned about their truthfulness. He also continues his rampage of smearing Mitt Romney because of the fact that he is a successful businessman. To make matters worse he continues to act as if he somehow deserves the nomination. That the presidency should be his because he is the only one smart enough to fix the problems that are America is facing.

Yet, if this was the case he wouldn't need to attack all the other candidates personally, especially after a loss, he instead should just keep plugging away like Santorum and Paul are doing. Yet, his pompousness continues to make an ass out of himself, not only because of the sleazy ads, but also his insistence on demanding that Santorum should drop out of the race so Conservatives can coalesce around him.

Look Newt, if you are so much better than you will continue to beat Santorum and you have no worries. Yet, you know that not only is Santorum the true conservative, but that you are more likely to be damaged by a competitive primary race than Santorum is. Moreover, this belief indicates that you think that your own base, especially conservatives in that your base, are too stupid to know that you are the true conservative, not Santorum. A belief by the way that is not in line with conservative thinking, but instead is in line with the progressive mindset that believes that people are unable to make informed decisions on their own, when given the freedom and opportunity to do so.

Now, after another loss to Romney despite Gingrich's best efforts to smear him, Gingrich is now demanding that the state of Florida change their delegate system from winner-take-all to a proportional delegate system, so that he, Newt Gingrich, can receive some of the delegates. Referencing the fact that the rules of the Republican National Committee declare that no state can be winner-take-all until after April 1st in any primary race.  

This raises two questions for me. The first is: why was this not addressed before the primary occurred? And second: Do you honestly think that if Newt Gingrich had won Florida that he would appreciate another candidate raising this issue? Would he have raised it out of principle?

The answer to the first question is that Newt hoped that with his momentum coming out of South Carolina he could ride that momentum all the way to victory in Florida. A victory that would have put him far ahead of the other candidates as far as delegates won, since Florida had 50 delegate votes up for grabs.

The answer to the second question is simply, NO. If Gingrich had won, he would not have brought up this issue on principle nor would he have appreciated it if any of the candidates had brought up this issue, especially if Romney did so. I also contend that no other candidate but Gingrich would have brought up this issue, because the rest of the candidates are not interested in winning or gaining an advantage by technicalities, but want to do so through their labor and the principles and policies that they stand for.

-Corey S.

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