Mitt Romney Wins Nevada

Mitt Romney wins Nevada, not necessarily an important event, considering all the candidates all indicated that Romney was going to win, long before the actual vote was taken.

More After the Break

Mitt Romney had a strong showing winning 50% of the vote, followed by Gingrich with 21%, Ron Paul with 19% and Santorum with 10% of the vote. These results while predicted do not bode well for Santorum or Gingrich, even despite the low turnout, with just over 33,000 voters taking the time to vote. This is because for Gingrich, despite his announcement that he is going to stay in, it is obvious that voters are gravitating to Romney despite his best efforts to demonize him. Also this does not bode well for Santorum who seems to have lost all momentum in the primary race, even despite being the clear winner in the last debate, before the cacuses' elections. As for Ron Paul this is a good showing, demonstrating that his Libertarian message has gained some momentum in relation to the more traditional conservative message brought by the other three candidates.

However, it should be noted that if these types of results continue, despite the best predictions by the pundits, this race could be over very soon, despite both Gingrich and Santorum stating that they are in this race for the long haul. As for Ron Paul, even if he loses the Republican Party Candidacy he still has the option of heading up a third party and running in the presidential race against both Romney and Obama. Yet, in my opinion this remains a remote possibility, for even Ron Paul has stated multiple times that he does not expect to win, and is running more to promote his message than actually win anything.

-Corey S.

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