CNN - What's the Point?

Seriously, what is the deal with CNN. They begin their pre-debate coverage with no real serious discussion of the upcoming issues that will be discussed in the debate, and no real commentary on the events that are impacting the nights debate. Although, I can’t quite say for sure because they set up their stage in front of a screaming Florida crowd, as if it was some sort of rock concert, so it was a little hard to hear to say the least. Then to make matters worse, they spent half the night on useless, pointless issues that no American, with any sense of what is going on in their country, cares about. Here are just some examples:

More After the Break

English You Say
Apparently Romney had approved an add stating that Speaker Gingrich called Spanish the language of the ghetto, obviously an appeal to Latin Americans to vote for him over Gingrich. Yet, both candidates hold the exact same position on the issue of English, advocating that English must be the official language of government. Not only that, but that education must be in English in order to afford kids of all incomes and backgrounds the opportunities in America that English clearly opens up to them, such as jobs and government positions. Yes, I know a conservative that believes the government needs some workers, shocking I know.

My point is this, who cares. Illegals are not pushing for Spanish as a second language, 80-90% of Americans believe English should be the official language of government and education, and even without formal approval, because of this strong support, informally English is the official language of both government and education.

Are You Going to Die Tomorrow
This was a waste of time, and honestly CNN, even though I know you are bought and paid for by your liberal elitist friends, come on, at least try to sound intelligent.Look, yes Ron Paul would be the oldest President in history if elected, but he is clearly of sound mind and body and even if he were to die the day after taking office, that’s why we have a vice-president that is hand picked by the president, duh? So to ask about whether or not the candidates would release their health records is a non-issue. As was evidenced by every candidate simply saying, yes they would, to the question.

First Lady - OOH LA LA
Once again, why? Who cares about the first lady she is not going to be President. I honestly have never understood this about American politics, the idea that the first lady some how mattered in any way, shape or form; she has no authority, end of story. Yet, CNN did a brilliant job of spending 5 minutes on it.

While I realize that Florida is the Space Coast and that many people in Florida lost their job when NASA was cancelled by Obama, this is not on anyone’s radar, nor does it matter. SDI was even mentioned, though not explicitly, during this discussion, we already have that. Yet, that didn’t stop CNN from taking up more than 10 minutes on moon colonies, forming states on the moon, research labs on the moon etc. I think Santorum summed it up best when he said, "It’s not responsible to promise the moon, to get votes." (paraphrase)

All in all, these questions and the time taken to respond to them are a waste of time, and CNN did a horrible job selecting their questions. However, one, if interested, should watch the debate, for when the candidates were speaking about real issues facing the American people they were all quite good. Even Ron Paul, who usually tends to go off the Republican Reservation.

- Corey S.

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